Morgan's Nature Walks - Survival Bracelet

Survival Bracelet

A survival bracelet is an essential piece of equipment for anyone who likes to go for walks or hikes, long or short. It is light weight and easy to carry.

Price: 4,50 Euros

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Survival Bracelet


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9 uses for a survival bracelet

1) Emergency Whistle - Many fatalities for hikers in the nature is when there is no mobile phone network and they are not found in time after an accident even when they are 100 metres from the official trail. The emergency whistle is used so that with minimum effort a person can emit a loud sound many metres away.
2) Creating an emergency shelter - The paracord of this bracelet is the same cord used in parachutes, it is able to support up to 250 kg in weight. To create a shelter the cord can be used to tie various branches and form a structure for a cover or vegetation.
3) To use as a fishing line - A shelter is important but food is also a priority. If you have a hook and bait the you can use one of the threads inside the cord for fishing.
4) To make traps for animals - If it is not possible to fish because of lack of a hook, bait or even a stream then this thread can be used to capture animals for food.
5) Lighter - This bracelet has a flint bar with a blade to create sparks and make a fire.
6) First Aid

•   A Sling – In case it is necessary to immobilize a wounded arm the cord can be used for that purpose.
•   Torniquet – In case of emergency the bracelet’s cord can be used as a torniquet in case of serious wounds.
•   A Splint - Broken bones are always a real danger in the middle of nature, the cord can be used to tie a splint around the broken bone.
•   A Sling – In case it is necessary to immobilize a wounded arm the cord can be used for that purpose.
•   A Stretcher – If there are seriously wounded and it is necessary to carry someone to a safer spot and closer to help the construction of a stretcher is essential. Using the cord to tie branches and form a type of bed to carry a person with some safety.

7) Tow Rope - The strength of the paracord can be used as a tow rope tying and dragging fire wood or a hunted animal to make transport easier.
8) The Compass - This bracelet has a compass that is always useful in any walk.
9) Improvised Net Bag - In case a bag is necessary to transport big objects this cord is perfect to create a net bag.