Guided Tour Corte de Ouro | Morgan's Nature Walks

Guided Tour: Corte de Ouro

This guided tour is probably one of the most challenging of Morgan’s Nature Walks but it is also one of the most beautiful trails in the Algarve especially in Spring, when the flowers paint a beautiful mosaic on distant slopes.


Dolmen of Beringel;
Old hay barn;
Water mine (spring);
The trail of this guided tour has many steep slopes and rocky trails;
There are many stream crossings some with high stepping stones.

Note: Groups of minimum 2 people and maximum 15 people;
This guided tour is not available during the months of June, July and August;
Visitors with the inadequate footwear will not be allowed to do the tour for their own safety, no refunds will be made.

Specific Conditions

Starting time:
09.00 (30 minutes tolerance);
12 km;
4-5 hours;
Hard, not advisable for people with locomotive problems, health problems and children under 12 years old.
Required Equipment:
Hat or cap;

Due to unpredictable weather, it is advised to have water proof boots and jacket prepared in case of rain;
As this tour crosses various small streams it is advisable water proof boots;


Per person:
40,00 Euros
Child between 7 and 12 years old:
20,00 Euros
Child up to 7 years old: